We can make your business website


What is business website

With us, you can create a website for your business. It can be created in the format of open-source platforms such as Wordpress, OpenCart, Wix.com and others. Or to be created specifically according to your requirements and preferences. If you think your site is already outdated and you want to modernize it. We at DOT WEB UK are ready to make your website modern.

How does the website work for your business?

A website is one of the most important things for your business. It is the face of your business online and represents you to your future or current customers.

What is the creation of a business website

When creating a brand new website for your business, our team will have conversations with you to understand what your expectations are and how you
want your company website to look. After that, our team will start building it and you will be informed repeatedly during the whole process.

If you have chosen us for the redesign and
modernization of your business. Our team will have conversations with you so that your business can be as well presented as possible in the online space.

What are the steps we follow at DOT WEB UK

We at DOT WEB UK follow a few steps to create a new business website or redesign an existing one:

- Conversation with the client

- Start the process of creating or redesigning the business site

- Submission of the finished project

Business websites Pricing

We at DOT WEB UK have specially created a few packages that would be helpful when making your choice for a business website. We are always available to answer your questions.

  • up 5 pages
  • Responsive Design
  • SEO ready
  • Dynamic website
  • Administrative panel

This price is indicative and in the process of work the price may be changed.

  • up 10 pages
  • Responsive Design
  • SEO ready
  • Dynamic website
  • Administrative panel

This price is indicative and in the process of work the price may be changed.



  • up 15 pages
  • Responsive Design
  • SEO ready
  • Dynamic website
  • Administrative panel

This price is indicative and in the process of work the price may be changed.


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  • Unlimited pages
  • Responsive Design
  • SEO ready
  • Dynamic website
  • Other