We can make your personal website


What is personal website

DOT WEB UK offers the development of a personal website, with design and functionalities that are
fully tailored to your profession and wishes. A personal website usually contains a gallery, a news blog, a project portfolio or video presentations where your visitors can get more detailed information about you and what you do. You will be able to post anything you want, express your views on life or simply give useful and curious information to your users.

Who are they suitable for?

Personal websites are suitable for everyone. From a person who wants to publish his thoughts and work to lawyers, musicians and artists.

What is the creation of a personal website

We know that time is the most important thing in today's world. That is why we have thought that creating your website is easier than ever. You can view the ready-made packages or request a personal offer completely online. We will contact you within 2 business days and provide you with a quote.

What are the steps we follow at DOT WEB UK

We at DOT WEB UK follow a few steps when creating a new personal website:

- Conversation with the client

- Send an offer

- After acceptance of the offer, we will send you a production contract

- Immediately after signing the contract, your site will begin to be developed. As the production time is described in the offer and the contract

Personal Websites Pricing

We at DOT WEB UK have specially created a few packages that would be helpful when making your choice for a personal website. We are always available to answer your questions.

  • up 5 pages
  • Responsive Design
  • SEO ready
  • Dynamic website
  • Administrative panel

This price is indicative and in the process of work the price may be changed.

  • up 10 pages
  • Responsive Design
  • SEO ready
  • Dynamic website
  • Administrative panel

This price is indicative and in the process of work the price may be changed.



  • up 15 pages
  • Responsive Design
  • SEO ready
  • Dynamic website
  • Administrative panel

This price is indicative and in the process of work the price may be changed.


Contact us

  • Unlimited pages
  • Responsive Design
  • SEO ready
  • Dynamic website
  • Other